The Irish Exam­iner – Joe McNamee – August 2020


Were it not for the masks of the ever atten­tive staff, or the greater dis­tance they now keep while still per­fectly exe­cut­ing their roles, you’d be inclined to for­get entirely that strange, sur­real under­cur­rent of dis­qui­etude that seems such a com­mon hall­mark of din­ing out in a world of coro­n­avirus but even those even­tu­ally become part of the new normality.

I’ve said writ­ten and said before that, on a given day, The Far­m­gate can be my most favourite place to dine in the world. Today, it is an espe­cially com­fort­ing treat, a trea­sured link to another, less fraught time.

Read the full review in The Irish Exam­iner.

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