Far­m­gate Café National Poetry Award 2023 Short­list announced

The Mun­ster Lit­er­a­ture Cen­tre has announced the short­list for the 2023 Far­m­gate Café National Poetry Award.

The short­list in alpha­bet­i­cal order is:

  • Deirdre Bren­nan. Medea’s Caul­dron (Arlen House).
  • James Finnegan. The Weather-​Beaten Scare­crow (Doire Press).
  • John Kelly. Space (Dedalus Press).
  • Paul Perry. Jamais Vu (Salmon Publishing.
  • Molly Twomey. Raised Among Vul­tures (The Gallery Press).
  • Grace Wells. The Church of the Love of the World (Dedalus Press).

The win­ning poet will receive their prize and present a short read­ing on May 16th to mark the open­ing of the Cork Inter­na­tional Poetry Fes­ti­val. Lim­ited places are avail­able and tick­ets are free – book here.

The fes­ti­val runs until Sat­ur­day May 20th and fea­tures read­ings, dis­cus­sions and work­shops by over forty poets from Ire­land and abroad.

Visit here for more infor­ma­tion http://​www​.corkpo​et​ryfest​.net/​a​w​a​r​d​s​.html .

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