Sun­day Times 100 best restau­rants 2020


Rebecca Harte’s culi­nary cura­tion in Cork’s ven­er­a­ble Far­m­gate Café acts as a prism, dis­pers­ing new light on how you see a dish of stout rarebit, or tripe and onions with drisheen or cot­tage pie, or cod with kale. Ever since Rebecca’s mother, Kay, first opened the café – up the stairs above Cork’s Eng­lish Mar­ket — peo­ple have sug­gested that Far­m­gate food is some sort of his­tor­i­cal re-​enactment, but this is wrong. The fact is that Far­m­gate food is age­less, and Rebecca has sim­ply shone a sharp new light on the glory that is steamed Lady’s Bridge pota­toes, and the purity of a crunchy, white soda bread, and the ele­men­tal love­li­ness of Oys­ter­haven oys­ters. Great staff, great value.

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