Irish Exam­iner – Joe McNamee


On cer­tain days, I have no prob­lem declar­ing it my favourite restau­rant in the world.

The essence and ethos of the Far­m­gate menus, a con­tem­po­rary Irish Bistro-​style take on old clas­sics, cook­ing pro­duce sourced almost entirely from the mar­ket below, has remained con­sis­tent through the years under sev­eral head chefs but cur­rent incum­bent, Pam Kelly, brings vast expe­ri­ence, tech­ni­cal pre­ci­sion and a keen palate, ensur­ing tra­di­tional dishes your grand­par­ents’ grand­par­ents would have recog­nised and rel­ished remain as vital and rel­e­vant as ever.

Read the full review on exam​iner​.ie

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