Irish ExamÂiner â Joe McNamee
On cerÂtain days, I have no probÂlem declarÂing it my favourite restauÂrant in the world.
The essence and ethos of the FarÂmÂgate menus, a conÂtemÂpoÂrary Irish Bistro-âstyle take on old clasÂsics, cookÂing proÂduce sourced almost entirely from the marÂket below, has remained conÂsisÂtent through the years under sevÂeral head chefs but curÂrent incumÂbent, Pam Kelly, brings vast expeÂriÂence, techÂniÂcal preÂciÂsion and a keen palate, ensurÂing traÂdiÂtional dishes your grandÂparÂentsâ grandÂparÂents would have recogÂnised and relÂished remain as vital and relÂeÂvant as ever.
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