
The Din­ing Room is open again for lunch reservations

The Din­ing Room is open again for lunch reservations

THE STALL (No. 12)
Our food stall is open Tues­day to Sat­ur­day 10:0016:00 serv­ing take­away break­fast baps and por­ridge in the morn­ing, sand­wiches and soup at lunch, as well as Vouch­ers, Christ­mas ham­pers, pud­dings, mince pies, and Far­m­gate Café clas­sics from our fridge. All Click & Col­lect can be picked up here.

We are reopen­ing the Din­ing Room for lunch reser­va­tions on Wednes­day 9 Decem­ber. Tables can be reserved online, or by phone (021) 4278134. If you can’t make a reser­va­tion online, please feel free to call us on (021) 4278134, we may be able to help you.

We are oper­at­ing accord­ing to cur­rent guidelines:

  • Max­i­mum of 6 peo­ple per table
  • Mul­ti­ple tables can­not be booked
  • Table ser­vice only
  • Phys­i­cal dis­tanc­ing, con­tact trac­ing and enhanced hygiene mea­sures must be adhered to
  • Face masks worn by cus­tomers at all times other than when sit­ting at their table
  • Employ­ees wear face masks at all times
  • No work or busi­ness related parties/​social gath­er­ings includ­ing office par­ties.

*ENTER/​EXIT: Due to the Covid-​19 pan­demic, we have changed our entrance (and exit) to the café. For the Din­ing room please arrive via the Prince’s Street gate and turn imme­di­ately right at our stall (first right inside the gate). You can exit via the cen­tral stairs. We very much appre­ci­ate your under­stand­ing and coop­er­a­tion in this.

**We are not open­ing our Gallery for casual din­ing and cof­fee until 2021.

Reser­va­tions Decem­ber (book online here):
Wednes­day 9 Lunch
Thurs­day 10 Lunch
Fri­day 11 Lunch
Sat­ur­day 12 Break­fast & Lunch reser­va­tions.

Wednes­day 16 Lunch
Thurs­day 17 Break­fast & Lunch.
Fri­day 18 Break­fast & Lunch.
Sat­ur­day 19 Break­fast & Lunch.

Mon­day 21 Break­fast & Lunch.
Tues­day 22 Break­fast & Lunch.
Wednes­day 23 Break­fast & Lunch. (lim­ited availability)

Christ­mas Eve lunch is fully booked.

Christ­mas Eve Break­fast:
We have lim­ited break­fast reser­va­tions which can only be made by phone (021) 4278134

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