
Revised Christ­mas Hours

To All Our Cus­tomers and Friends,

Due to the ris­ing Covid-​19 num­bers and the like­li­hood of an immi­nent lock­down, we have made the dif­fi­cult deci­sion to close on Decem­ber 24th for a period of time. This deci­sion has been taken with the well­be­ing of our cus­tomers and our hard work­ing team in mind. We will of course hon­our all reser­va­tions up to and includ­ing Decem­ber 24th.

We will let you know as soon as pos­si­ble when we are open­ing in the new year.

May we wish you all a Happy Christ­mas and New Year.

Nol­laig shona agus athbh­li­ain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise daoibh ó foire­ann Farmgate.

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