
Pres­i­dent Michael D Hig­gins’ visit to the Far­m­gate CafĂ©

President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork
President Michael D Higgins’ visit to the Farmgate Cafe in the English Market Cork

Pres­i­dent Michael D Hig­gins vis­ited the Far­m­gate CafĂ© where, sur­rounded by some of the city’s best-​known poets, play­wrights and authors, his hand­writ­ten com­po­si­tion, Star­dust, was added to the Farmgate’s poetry wall.

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