Market Stall hours for September

Kindly note that our mar­ket stall shop is open from Thurs­day to Sat­ur­day, 09:30 – 15:30, until 14th September.

From Mon­day 16th Sep­tem­ber it will be open Mon­day to Sat­ur­day, 09:30 – 15:30.

The Café upstairs remains open as usual from Tues­day to Sat­ur­day serv­ing break­fast and lunch.


Mary Berry at the Far­m­gate Café

Mary Berry at the Far­m­gate Café

In episode 3 of Mary Berry’s Sim­ple Com­forts the culi­nary leg­end vis­its Ire­land, stop­ping off in Cork at the Eng­lish Mar­ket and The Far­m­gate CafĂ©.

Watch the show when it is broad­cast on BBC at 8pm tomor­row, Wednes­day 23 Sep­tem­ber 2020 and again at 11:30am on Sun­day 27 Sep­tem­ber or look out for it on the BBC iPlayer later.

More info on the BBC 2 web site

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