
Far­m­gate Café National Poetry Award 2020 Short­list announced

The Mun­ster Lit­er­a­ture Cen­tre has announced the short­list for the 2020 Far­m­gate Café National Poetry Award.

The short­list in alpha­bet­i­cal order is:

  • When the Tree Falls by Jane Clarke (Blood­axe Books)
  • The End of the World by Patrick Dee­ley (The Dedalus Press)
  • May Day 1974 by Rachael Hegarty (Salmon Poetry)
  • The Grav­ity Wave by Peter Sirr (The Gallery Press)
  • Thread­ing the Light by Ross Thomp­son (The Dedalus Press)

Visit here for free tick­ets to this Open­ing #CorkPoetryFest20 Event + more info and short­list here

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