Market Stall hours for September

Kindly note that our mar­ket stall shop is open from Thurs­day to Sat­ur­day, 09:3015:30, until 14th September.

From Mon­day 16th Sep­tem­ber it will be open Mon­day to Sat­ur­day, 09:3015:30.

The Café upstairs remains open as usual from Tues­day to Sat­ur­day serv­ing break­fast and lunch.


Sea­sonal Sup­per Series

Sea­sonal Sup­per Series


Announc­ing our Sea­sonal Sup­per Series Sep­tem­ber – Decem­ber 2019

Sea­son­ally focused food.
Mar­ket fresh ingredients.

This autumn and win­ter why not join us in the evening for a change? Work­ing with the finest ingre­di­ents the sea­son and the region has to offer – our Sup­per Series will be a cel­e­bra­tion of the best of Irish food.

Menus will reflect the stalls in the Mar­ket and the hard­work­ing hands that feed us – our trusted small-​scale mar­ket gar­den­ers, cheese-​makers, brew­ers, smoke­houses
and many more.

Each night will be sim­ple and unique with inno­v­a­tive rotat­ing menus, com­mu­nal tables, and the odd guest chef thrown in to spice things up.

For us in our 25th year, we would like to take more time, have some fun in the kitchen, and share this beau­ti­ful his­toric space with you as the light begins to fade …

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