Open­ing Thurs­day 9th July

Open­ing Thurs­day 9th July

Claire O’Rorke

Hello and phew!

Glad that’s nearly over

Any­way, it’s good to be get­ting back to work (seri­ously, it is!). We’re glad to say we’re nearly there – just a few jobs left before we wel­come you back. We’ve missed the buzz of the Mar­ket as well as the fun and the struc­ture of a proper work­ing day.

So, when are we opening?

We’ll be back with our aprons and hand san­i­tizer on Thurs­day 9th July at 11am.

What’s on offer?

For the first week it will be the open bal­cony (turn right at the top of the cen­tral stairs) for take-​out and table ser­vice: lovely lit­tle break­fast menu; tea & cof­fee; soup & sand­wiches; 2 daily sal­ads; and some of our deli­cious savoury dishes of old. Cakes of course. And wine if you want it!

Open­ing Times (updated 13 July 2020 and sub­ject to change)

We are serv­ing break­fast, lunch, tea, cof­fee and cakes on the Bal­cony (right at the top of the cen­tral stairs). Table Ser­vice. No book­ings. Take away available.

The din­ing room is closed for now, but we are tak­ing book­ings for August.

For our lat­est OPEN­ING HOURS please check our Face­book or Insta­gram

Phased re-​opening – why?

We’re going to ease back slowly, bal­cony side first – we’ve had to make some changes here and so we need to fig­ure it out as we go. Plus, we want to make sure all of our cus­tomers feel safe and happy, along with the team. As else­where, things have changed, so stick with us while we find our feet. Once we get the hang of it all, then we’ll open the din­ing room (week 3). *Please note, we will take book­ings in advance for lunch begin­ning Thurs­day 23rd of July. Just ring and we’ll get your name in the diary.

Covid-​19, Health & Safety

Rest assured Far­m­gate CafĂ© is adher­ing to HSE & Eng­lish Mar­ket guide­lines: we are com­ing back as a small team; we will ensure social dis­tanc­ing, and there will be a 1-​way sys­tem in and out of the cafĂ©. Hand san­i­tizer will be avail­able, and the team will be fully prepped and trained before we get going.

Fur­ther­more, we will update all our train­ing and oper­a­tional mea­sures (weekly) as per HSE and gov­ern­ment announce­ments – so expect changes along the way.

Enter /​Exit

We are oper­at­ing a one-​way sys­tem, while also lim­it­ing num­bers enter­ing the cafĂ© (as per Mar­ket guide­lines). We will work effi­ciently and safely in order this runs as smoothly as possible.

Here’s how it works, step by step:

  1. Please fol­low one-​way sys­tem enter­ing and exit­ing the cafĂ©: ENTER USING THE CEN­TRAL STAIRS ONLY
  2. Please san­i­tize hands at the entrance to the Mar­ket (Prince’s Street Gate /​Grand Parade Gate), and then again when enter­ing the cafĂ© (there will be a san­i­tizer on the cen­tral stairs).
  3. Please fol­low social dis­tanc­ing guide­lines, and please wait to be shown to your table
  4. Exit by Prince’s street stairs


We are very appre­cia­tive of your sup­port and under­stand­ing dur­ing this time. And for all the lovely mes­sages over the last few weeks.

Thank you sincerely,

Team Far­m­gate Café

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