
Far­m­gate Café cel­e­brates 25 years in the Eng­lish Market

Rebecca & Kay Harte, Farmgate Cafe Cork
Rebecca & Kay Harte
View of guests celebrating 25 years of the Farmgate Cafe at the English Market
Far­m­gate Café cel­e­brates 25 years in the Eng­lish Market
Far­m­gate Café cel­e­brates 25 years in the Eng­lish Market
Kay and Rebecca Harte, Farmgate Cafe, English Market, Cork
Freshly shucked oysters served from the fountain in the English Market during celebrations of 25 years of the Farmgate Cafe at the market
Rebecca & Kay Harte, Farmgate Cafe Cork
View of guests celebrating 25 years of the Farmgate Cafe at the English Market
Farmgate Café
Farmgate Café
Kay and Rebecca Harte, Farmgate Cafe, English Market, Cork
Freshly shucked oysters served from the fountain in the English Market during celebrations of 25 years of the Farmgate Cafe at the market

25 years later, we are still here. In short: thank you. Thank you to all our stead­fast cus­tomers, to our excel­lent col­leagues here in the Mar­ket and at City Hall, and to all the team who work dili­gently everyday.

Par­tic­u­lar thanks to Maróg O’Brien, founder of the orig­i­nal Far­m­gate, inno­va­tor and entre­pre­neur, men­tor. 25 years ago she saw the Mar­ket as being a log­i­cal place for another Far­m­gate. And like­wise to Clare O’Brien – who worked with us here for many years. Truly the most tal­ented bread maker we have ever come across.

As soon as we enter the Mar­ket in the morn­ing and we hear the par­tic­u­lar sound­scape, and feel the sheer energy of the place – we know we are in the right spot and in the right city. Of course you don’t get to 25 years with­out a ded­i­cated team – full of bright, ener­getic and hard­work­ing peo­ple. Two peo­ple need to be sin­gled out though 
 Elaine and Sea­mus – tread­ing the boards for over 17 years. Thick and thin are the words that spring to mind, and so many Christ­mas Eves try­ing to sort out the cold room 
’nuff said.

And to all the peo­ple on the team right now, from all parts of the coun­try and globe: THANK YOU

Ruth – Offaly
Pam – Gal­way
San­dra – Wex­ford
Laura – Cork
Maja – Croa­tia
Sea­mus – Mayo
Thi­ago – Brazil
Marek – Poland
Liam – Cork
Zoe – Cork
Sam – Cork
Mar­garita – Colum­bia
Elaine – Cork
Iso­bel – Cork
Priscila – Brazil
Ais­ling – Cork
Laura – Spain
Raf – Brazil
Jes­sica – Cork
Eve­lyn – Cork
Murieann – Cork
Sarah-​Jane – Cork
Michael – Cork

And to all of you still com­ing up the stairs and still part­ing with your hard-​earned euros. We are here because you are here. We do not take it for granted. The cafĂ© and the Mar­ket feels like an extended fam­ily to us, per­haps a touch of ‘Fawlty Tow­ers’ depend­ing on the day 
 but then we get up and go at it all again the next day and the next 
 And lastly, but very def­i­nitely not least – to the writ­ers, poets, painters, musi­cians, pho­tog­ra­phers, and sculp­tors – you bring a very spe­cial qual­ity to our lives. Thank you.

Divine Visitor – a poem by Theo Dorgan for The Farmgate Café 25 years at the English Market in 2019

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