
Christ­mas Gifts

Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork

Photo: Claire O’Rorke

Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork

Photo: Claire O’Rorke

Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork

Photo: Claire O’Rorke

Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork

Photo: Claire O’Rorke

Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork

Photo: Claire O’Rorke

Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork

Photo: Claire O’Rorke

Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork
Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork
Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork
Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork
Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork
Christmas Gifts from The Farmgate Cafe Cork

🎄 Ham­pers, cakes, pud­dings, mince pies and many other Far­m­gate Café clas­sics are now avail­able to buy online or from our stall down­stairs in the Eng­lish Market

Our food stall is open Tues­day to Sat­ur­day 10:0016:00 serv­ing take­away break­fast baps and por­ridge in the morn­ing, sand­wiches and soup at lunch, as well as Vouch­ers, Christ­mas ham­pers, pud­dings, mince pies, and Far­m­gate Café clas­sics from our fridge. All Click & Col­lect can be picked up here.

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