Market Stall hours for September

Kindly note that our mar­ket stall shop is open from Thurs­day to Sat­ur­day, 09:3015:30, until 14th September.

From Mon­day 16th Sep­tem­ber it will be open Mon­day to Sat­ur­day, 09:3015:30.

The Café upstairs remains open as usual from Tues­day to Sat­ur­day serv­ing break­fast and lunch.


Covid State­ment August 2021

Dear Cus­tomers,

We have finally reopened our gallery and are delighted to be back, serv­ing break­fast and lunch. We are offi­cially open­ing our doors on Fri­day 6th of August at 08:30.

Our new break­fast and lunch menus are now avail­able to browse

Start­ing small but safely…
To begin we will be oper­at­ing the gallery side only. Until such time as we open our din­ing room we are not in a posi­tion to take reser­va­tions. Please bear with us until we have a big enough team to open both sides of the busi­ness and to get back into full swing.

Our open­ing menu is small and com­pact, sea­sonal, care­fully cho­sen and priced. We won’t have all our clas­sic dishes back on the menu to begin with, but please let us know what you might be miss­ing and we will look towards a fuller menu in the com­ing weeks and months. For now, how­ever, we are not in a posi­tion to make changes to our menu.

New Stall
We have a new stall at the Prince’s Street Gates for take­away lunch, din­ners and other good­ies, all of which can be ordered in advance from our web­site here (Far­m­gate Café Lunch to Go) and here (Far­m­gate Café at Home), or just drop by if you are in the Mar­ket. (These items may not be brought /​con­sumed upstairs).

New Leg­is­la­tion
As per new leg­is­la­tion for indoor din­ing we are required to to check your dig­i­tal pass­port /​let­ter of proof of vac­ci­na­tion or recov­ery* from your GP (*last 6 months). We kindly ask that you have these doc­u­ments with you on arrival along with a photo ID. Those under 18 are exempt when din­ing with adults. We under­stand that its strange and an incon­ve­nience, so we thank you for your sup­port and under­stand­ing. Hope­fully these new laws will not be in exis­tence for very long.

Lead Cus­tomer
The lead or solo cus­tomer will have to pro­vide con­tact trac­ing details (name, tele­phone num­ber) which will be securely retained for 28 days and will be com­pli­ant with GDPR.

We are per­mit­ted accept a max­i­mum of 6 peo­ple per table aged 13 and over. This limit of 6 does not include accom­pa­ny­ing chil­dren (under 12). The total com­bined at a table can­not exceed 15 over­all.

Con­tact­less Pay­ment
We would appre­ci­ate con­tact­less pay­ment where pos­si­ble.

We have removed all per­spex from the gallery and from the din­ing room to achieve max­i­mum ven­ti­la­tion.

Clean­ing & San­i­ta­tion
There are hand dis­pensers at the Prince’s Street gate on enter­ing the Mar­ket, also at the entrance to the café at the bot­tom of the stairs, and when exit­ing the café on the cen­tral stairs. There is a fur­ther hand dis­penser inside the entrance of the bath­room (com­mu­nal area). We will sani­tise tables and chairs between each group, along with touch points through­out the day. We would appre­ci­ate con­tact­less pay­ment where pos­si­ble.

We ask that you wear your mask when enter­ing and exit­ing the café, and when walk­ing to the restrooms.

One-​way sys­tem
In line with cur­rent guide­lines and in order to pro­tect other cus­tomers and the team, we ask that you fol­low the one-​way entry and exit sys­tem.

  • Gallery – Prince’s Street gate then please turn left (just before My Goodness).
  • Din­ing Room (Reser­va­tions) *NOT OPEN YET – Prince’s Street gate then please turn right.

Exit through the cen­tral stairs into the heart of the Mar­ket. Please respect social dis­tanc­ing guide­lines and pro­to­cols oper­at­ing through­out the Mar­ket.

Thank you sin­cerely for your cus­tom and sup­port — we are absolutely delighted to be open again.

Le meas,

Team Far­m­gate Café

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* Indicates required