Covid Statement August 2021
Dear Customers,
We have finally reopened our gallery and are delighted to be back, serving breakfast and lunch. We are officially opening our doors on Friday 6th of August at 08:30.
Our new breakfast and lunch menus are now available to browse
Starting small but safely…
To begin we will be operating the gallery side only. Until such time as we open our dining room we are not in a position to take reservations. Please bear with us until we have a big enough team to open both sides of the business and to get back into full swing.
Our opening menu is small and compact, seasonal, carefully chosen and priced. We won’t have all our classic dishes back on the menu to begin with, but please let us know what you might be missing and we will look towards a fuller menu in the coming weeks and months. For now, however, we are not in a position to make changes to our menu.
New Stall
We have a new stall at the Prince’s Street Gates for takeaway lunch, dinners and other goodies, all of which can be ordered in advance from our website here (Farmgate Café Lunch to Go) and here (Farmgate Café at Home), or just drop by if you are in the Market. (These items may not be brought /consumed upstairs).
New Legislation
As per new legislation for indoor dining we are required to to check your digital passport /letter of proof of vaccination or recovery* from your GP (*last 6 months). We kindly ask that you have these documents with you on arrival along with a photo ID. Those under 18 are exempt when dining with adults. We understand that its strange and an inconvenience, so we thank you for your support and understanding. Hopefully these new laws will not be in existence for very long.
Lead Customer
The lead or solo customer will have to provide contact tracing details (name, telephone number) which will be securely retained for 28 days and will be compliant with GDPR.
We are permitted accept a maximum of 6 people per table aged 13 and over. This limit of 6 does not include accompanying children (under 12). The total combined at a table cannot exceed 15 overall.
Contactless Payment
We would appreciate contactless payment where possible.
We have removed all perspex from the gallery and from the dining room to achieve maximum ventilation.
Cleaning & Sanitation
There are hand dispensers at the Prince’s Street gate on entering the Market, also at the entrance to the café at the bottom of the stairs, and when exiting the café on the central stairs. There is a further hand dispenser inside the entrance of the bathroom (communal area). We will sanitise tables and chairs between each group, along with touch points throughout the day. We would appreciate contactless payment where possible.
We ask that you wear your mask when entering and exiting the café, and when walking to the restrooms.
One-way system
In line with current guidelines and in order to protect other customers and the team, we ask that you follow the one-way entry and exit system.
- Gallery – Prince’s Street gate then please turn left (just before My Goodness).
- Dining Room (Reservations) *NOT OPEN YET – Prince’s Street gate then please turn right.
Exit through the central stairs into the heart of the Market. Please respect social distancing guidelines and protocols operating throughout the Market.
Thank you sincerely for your custom and support — we are absolutely delighted to be open again.
Le meas,
Team Farmgate Café