Market Stall hours for September

Kindly note that our mar­ket stall shop is open from Thurs­day to Sat­ur­day, 09:30 – 15:30, until 14th September.

From Mon­day 16th Sep­tem­ber it will be open Mon­day to Sat­ur­day, 09:30 – 15:30.

The Café upstairs remains open as usual from Tues­day to Sat­ur­day serv­ing break­fast and lunch.

Christ­mas Hours 2023

Open Tues­day to Sat­ur­day for lunch and break­fast until Sat 23 Decem­ber (closed Mon­days, as nomal).

Tue 19 Dec: Lunch only, 11:30 –15:30.

Christ­mas Eve, Sun 24 Dec.
Break­fast 08:30 — 12:30 (walk-​in only).

Reopen­ing Fri­day 5 Jan­u­ary 2024.

Open Mon­day to Sat­ur­day through­out Decem­ber, until Sat­ur­day 23.

The shop will close at 4pm on Sat­ur­day 23, and will remain closed until Fri­day 5 January.

Please keep an eye on our Face­book and Insta­gram accounts for updates.

Many happy returns to you all.

Nol­laig shona agus athbh­li­ain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise daoibh ó foire­ann Farmgate.

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