ChristÂmas Hours 2023
Open TuesÂday to SatÂurÂday for lunch and breakÂfast until Sat 23 DecemÂber (closed MonÂdays, as nomal).
Tue 19 Dec: Lunch only, 11:30 â15:30.
ChristÂmas Eve, Sun 24 Dec.
BreakÂfast 08:30 â 12:30 (walk-âin only).
ReopenÂing FriÂday 5 JanÂuÂary 2024.
Open MonÂday to SatÂurÂday throughÂout DecemÂber, until SatÂurÂday 23.
The shop will close at 4pm on SatÂurÂday 23, and will remain closed until FriÂday 5 January.
Please keep an eye on our FaceÂbook and InstaÂgram accounts for updates.
Many happy returns to you all.
NolÂlaig shona agus athbhÂliÂain faoi shĂ©an is faoi mhaise daoibh Ăł foireÂann Farmgate.