Contact The Farm­gate Café

You can book online or by phone.

To make a reser­va­tion online click here.

For enquiries, reser­va­tions or to phone in your take-​out order call us on [tele­phone num­ber — enable javascript to view]

Email: [email address — enable javascript to view]

If you wish to can­cel your reser­va­tion, we would be grate­ful if you could let us know 24 hours in advance.

Opening Hours

Shop hours
Open Monday to Saturday 09:30 - 15:30.
*Always closed on the Tuesday after bank holiday weekends.

Cafe Hours
Open Tuesday to Saturday.
Breakfast 09:00 - 11:30
Lunch 12:00 - 15:30
*On the Tuesday after a bank holiday weekend we open 11:30 to 15:30 for lunch only.

🎄🎁đŸŒČ Christmas and New Year Hours
We close after breakfast on Christmas Eve and will remain closed until January 9th 2025 when we will open again for breakfast.

Please keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram accounts for updates.

Postal Address

Far­m­gate Café
Eng­lish Mar­ket
Princes Street
Cork T12NC8Y

map showing entrance to the Farmgate Cafe at the Princes Street entrance to the English Market in Cork


The entrance to the Far­m­gate CafĂ© is on the ground floor of the Eng­lish Mar­ket (via the Prince’s Street gate), oppo­site the Far­m­gate stall and beside the My Good­ness stall (see map above). Kindly note: The dou­ble stair­case towards the cen­tre of the Mar­ket is now for exit only.

Small peo­ple are very wel­come: we pro­vide baby chairs, booster seats and we have a Children’s Menu (the main menu with smaller por­tions and smaller prices)

We kindly ask that bug­gies are folded and stored while dining.

Vouch­ers are avail­able to pur­chase here in the Café. We only sell vouch­ers for Far­m­gate Café, Cork. We accept Eng­lish Mar­ket vouch­ers. It is no longer pos­si­ble to accept vouch­ers from Far­m­gate Restau­rant and Food Store, Midleton.

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